Jeffrey H.'s review of Triple A Auto Carriers

Triple A Auto Carriers

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/23/2010
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Review 2/23/2010
My vehicle was scheduled to be picked up on Thursday Feb 18th 2010. As of today, Tuesday Feb 23 my vehicle has been yet to be picked up. I understand that in some cases it takes time to get them but in this case that is not the issue. The sender of the vehicle has been off from work since the day they promised to pick it up. I have called them multiple times and have been hung up on at least five times and been placed on hold for more than 20 minutes multiple times in which they ultimately picked the phone back up and hung up. I was told on the 18th that the vehicle would be picked up at 4pm. I was told on Friday it would be picke up at 4pm also. When I called on saturday the 20th the dispatcher told me that the driver to pick up the vehicle was already in NC, but how is that possible if the salesman told me it was going to be picked up at 4pm the day prior if it takes more than 30 hours to drive from AZ to NC without stopping. In addition to these issues they have raised the price of the move by 50 dollars, and today tried to raise the price again, in which i refused to pay. I tried to cancel my transaction and they told me that only the specific salesman is able to cancel and he has either been "out of the office" or "he just walked outside" more than four times. Also, upon doing some research, they are charging me more than 850 dollars, and are only offering the driver 630 dollars. Here is the problem: Their "broker fee" was 165 and they claimed to have dropped it to 100 to give drivers an extra 65 to pick it up. Upon looking up their offer to pick it up, it's only 630 they are offering. At those numbers they are charging me $220 to find a shipper which is well above the standard broker's fee. I still have not been able to cancel my transation, and the vehicle is still in AZ.
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