WARNING! Never, ever give Dutton plumbing a bad review, no matter how bad they screw the job up. If you do they will black list you so you can't take advantage of their specials, like the the $22.00 Tuesday toilet tune-up or Mom's Summer I sixty nined drain cleaning.
Oh, and if you have a freebee coming from a previous service, don't expect them to show up as scheduled with the proper equipment to get the job done. I had drain cleaning performed and was supposed to get a free water heater flush. They said they didn't have the time to perform the free service that day and rescheduled it. After three reschedulings they finally showed up, late as usual, but even though they knew they were supposed to be doing aa water heater flush, they didn't bring any vinegar to flush the water heater. Two hours later they came back with a bottle of vinegar (there are three supermarkets with walking distance of my house where they could have purchased vinegar) and then proceeded to screw up the procedure. I offered to let them install the water heater flush kit I had already purchased, but they wanted to charge me almost $200.00 to do that, even though it would have made the job much faster and easier for them.