Review 1/4/2010
Adoption Consultants Inc. is an amazing company. Cathy Mantell helps work through each adoption plan with adoptive parents and birth families. A few of things that she will do that some facilitators will not:
*Walk you through the ENTIRE process from beginning to end. *Answer questions, phone calls and emails on the weekends and late at night. (Including a call on a Saturday while she was at the movies!) *Care about you and the family you are working with. *Pay attention to detail, that otherwise might be over-looked. *Outreach to several counties and hospitals to get you the maximum exposure possible. *Work with the hospital and doctors to help the process run smoother. *Help you weigh pros and cons of every situation and respect whatever decision your family makes. *Share a lot of knowledge about adoption and the process. *Be a part of your extended family forever!
Her commitment to her work and the dedication she puts into what she does is selfless. Without ACI I am convinced that we would not have our 3 precious children in our lives. Next month we will finalize our 3rd adoption and couldn't have done it without Cathy! Miracles do happen.......we have 3! Stacey Fresno, CA