Airlie D.'s review of Adoption Consultants, Inc.

Adoption Consultants, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/3/2009
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Review 12/3/2009
If the adoption process were a jungle then my husband and I were in the middle of the Brazilian rain forest, we had sent in paperwork to one adoption agency just as we had done this, we watched the news that evening and discovered an undercover investigation being done that exposed them as frauds who stole millions of dollars from people in our area trying to adopt. The agency we were working with for our home study was trying to charge us again to update our home study, when they hadn’t gotten the items all complete for the first one. Then we decided to sign with another agency and the day that we sent in all of our paperwork the country that we chose decided to close its doors to America for adoption! Every path we were turning down a new roadblock came up, we were frustrated, and feeling like we were losing our money or getting scammed every which way we turned. Then my husband went to get his hair done, sounds totally crazy right? But that is when things completely turned around for us, that is when we were given the first direction to the right path. My husband and I were talking to the hair dresser and we couldn’t believe all the similarities, but he told us he had finally found the right path and gave us the number for Cathy Mantell, he said he’d done all the research and she was legitimate. So with all the information in our hands my husband and I went home to make the phone call that put us on the path that has changed our lives forever. We called Cathy and immediately felt a guiding hand that made us at once at ease, excited, and hopeful. It was at this point that we decided to sign up with Cathy to complete an adoption, before we had felt so alone in the entire process, no one told us anything, and people were always trying to get money out of us. Now we couldn’t believe it there was a guide helping us through the entire jungle who knew how to handle everything, even in the very beginning before we ever signed up with Cathy she spent hours on the phone helping us come up with the perfect birthmother letter, where to place the pictures how to word everything so that it sounded just right. Then we had everything sent in and things were going smoothly, we were in a wait and hold pattern as we were waiting to for a birthmother to choose us, it was at this point that we really knew we were making the right decision Cathy called us every once in a while just to update us that she had sent our letter out with a girl or to check and see how we were feeling with the process. Then one late night in June we got a phone call from Cathy telling us that a girl had chosen us, we were ecstatic, we didn’t even think to ask any questions but we didn’t need to Cathy had answers to every question we could have asked and more, she told us everything to think about and asked us if we had any questions, then she answered them and more for us. At this point we were chosen, and decided to complete a phone call with our potential birth mother. So a few days later Cathy arranged for call between the three of us, our nerves were off the chart, but through the entire process Cathy remained a calm and guiding force that helped us navigate down the path to being matched! Once we were matched with our birthmother my husband and I thought Cathy would pretty much be hands off, she had done her job or so we thought! Not even close instead she became even more involved, giving us updates, setting up appointments for our birth mom, explaining to us the exact process to complete everything so that everything would go smoothly. My husband and I were so pleasantly surprised we couldn’t believe that we had found someone who was so caring, and helpful. Then the call came from Cathy that sent us into a tailspin, it wasn’t good news and we didn’t know what to do. But once again Cathy knew, she remained calm even though we were both worried and scared, she arranged phone calls and meetings, and other items so that we could try to work through the issues at hand. During this crazy time Cathy never tried to sway our decision in any way she gave us the facts, she arranged for us to talk to professionals who could help us become even more informed and she let us think about everything. Eventually we moved through this most scary part of the jungle and things were back on the right path for us again.
Then in the middle of November, one very late night the phone rang and our hearts jumped out of our chests and into a baby that was being born as we spoke to Cathy! The next thing we knew airline tickets were booked and we were on our way to California and to the hospital. Still Cathy was there through it all, every day she called to check on us, she spoke to the nurses in the hospital, she spoke to our social worker to make sure things were going well. Then it was time to leave the hospital, and once again we really thought that would be the end of Cathy’s job, but once again we were pleasantly surprised, she was still there helping us to get home, and get settled in. Once home the next leg of our journey began, finalization, now for sure Cathy’s job was done, but still she was there to help us, she recommended an attorney, she called to check on us to make sure things were still going well. You don’t get this kind of support from just anyone, Cathy Mantell is the most amazing women who puts her heart, and soul into what she does, and then stands behind it the entire time supporting and guiding you through the entire adoption process taking you out of the dark and scary jungle of adoption and into a beautiful clearing where you can see, and have the most precious gift in the world. Without Cathy Mantell and Adoption Consultants, Inc. the little angel that I am holding wouldn’t be in my arms right now, and I don’t know how that could ever be, because I know that she was meant to be with me, as much as I am meant to be with her.

I can’t imagine going through adoption without someone like Cathy Mantell, there to guide you through the ups and downs, there to be the calm and sensible one when all of your emotions are so crazy and wild.Just look at her website to see all of the lovely testimonials from people who are so satisfied with her help navigating the adoption path.

We are so satisfied, that my husband and I are planning on adopting again as soon as possible and there is no question in our minds who we will be using, of course we will jump on the path with the only guide we would ever trust Cathy Mantell and Adoption Consultants, Inc.
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